Accelerate Project Timelines

Architectural and engineering firms are playing a vital position in the EV charger infrastructure rollout. From civil engineering, to electrical engineering, and utility coordination, these firms have a wide range of responsibilities. Gaining efficiencies in any one of these categories can help firms accelerate their project timelines and ultimately take on more EV projects.

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How Can NexPhase™ Help A&E Firms?

By combining all switchgear equipment into one enclosure, the NexPhase™ Smart EV Switchgear eliminates the lengthy design process of traditional post-and-frame systems. These legacy systems require additional time to design and configure a mixed-manufacturer panel system – something NexPhase™ can help streamline for a firm. Consider these benefits NexPhase™ can provide engineering firms:

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NexPhase™ is an all-in-one switchgear panel containing the entire electrical infrastructure required between the utility service and up to four 150 kW Level 3 DC fast chargers.

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All wiring between the integrated Current Transformer (CT) cabinet, 480 VAC 3-Phase breaker panel, 240/120 VAC single phase breaker panel, transformer, and other components comes pre-wired and factory-tested. No wiring design is required.

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Government funding for EV chargers requires reporting on 97% charger uptime. NexPhase™ includes free remote monitoring, control, and uptime reporting capabilities, providing firms with a unique value proposition.


We are a leader in the manufacturing and distribution of systems to support the management and monitoring of critical assets. As an expert in both vehicle refueling and utility asset monitoring, we are committed to supporting the emerging EV charging market. Our turnkey solutions enable rapid deployment with intelligent monitoring to maximize charger operational uptime.